Feature Comparison

Article ID: 44
Last updated: 18 Aug, 2011

Feature Comparison

To make two products comparable:
  1. In the administration panel, go to Catalog > Products.
  2. Click on the necessary product to open its details page.
  3. On the opened page, select the Feature comparison check box and click the Save button.
  4. Repeat the same steps for the second product.

    feature comparison

    After that a customer will be able to compare these products by adding them to the compare list in the storefront.
    NOTE: To use this function some features should be defined for the products in the Features tab on the product details page.

    To enable Feature comparison for several products at once:
  5. In the administration panel, go to Catalog > Products.
  6. Select all products by clicking on the Select all link at the bottom of the section, or by selecting the left top check box next to CODE.
  7. Click on the Choose action link and select Edit selected.

    feature comparison

  8. In the opened Select fields to edit window, click on the Unselect all link and select only the Feature comparison check box. Click the Modify selected button.

    feature comparison

  9. Click on the apply values to all selected products link. This will open a new small section.
  10. Select the check box that is to the left of the Feature comparison option and the one that is to the right of it.
  11. Click the Apply button. The selected value will be applied to all products.

    feature comparison

    NOTE: To enable Feature comparison for a product using the import option, use the instructions from the Imported fields format article.
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