Google Analytics Set Up Guide

NOTE:  If you already have a Google Analytics account and need to just get the tracking code again, please see this article:

First, go to this link:

If you have a Google account, sign in, if not, you will need to create one by clicking on the Sign Up button up the top right.

  1. Click Sign Up

  2. Ensure 'Web Site' is selected. Then enter in the relevant information and select the correct country and time zone.


  3. Accept the agreement


  4. When you see the below page, you need to copy the Tracking Code shown at the bottom of the image, and send it to in an email:


    Please install my Google Analytics tracking code for me. My website name is" [Where is your website name]

    Then paste the code shown below in red in to the email and we'll do all the hard work for you!

Article ID: 301
Last updated: 14 Aug, 2013
SEO -> Google Analytics Set Up Guide